
Standorte TSR

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Zu den TSR-Standorten

The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 900 branches and associated companies in over 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The REMONDIS Group’s locations


Preserving everybody’s future

Sustainable supplies of raw materials are based on innovative ideas that do not require virgin raw materials to be mined. This is the only way to limit the damage being done to the environment, to combat climate change and to ensure that future generations have a world worth living in.

The circular economy – the driving force behind resource conservation and climate action

The circular economy in general – and recycling in particular – play a key role in conserving raw materials and cutting emissions. Its potential to tackle climate change alone is huge.

Annual savings achieved by TSR Recycling


Using recycled raw materials instead of producing metals from virgin resources reduces emissions dramatically.


The amount of energy saved by our recycling activities each year covers the requirements of 2.47 million three-person households

Iron ore

The more steel and iron that is recycled, the less ore needs to be mined. This not only conserves natural resources, it is also good for our environment and


Ore is smelted with coal in order to produce metals. This means that systematic recycling reduces the amount of coal that needs to be mined.

* These calculations are based on the amount of steel, aluminium and copper collected by the TSR Group and sent on for recycling in 2023, on the (2022) Prognos study commissioned by TSR Recycling and on data from the BDEW [Federal Water & Energy Association] and BIR
** These calculations are based on the amount of steel collected by the TSR Group and sent on for recycling in 2023, on the (2022) Prognos study commissioned by TSR Recycling and on data from the BIR .

A unique advantage for TSR customers: on request, all details about how our work helps reduce your carbon emissions are presented as a Nachhaltigkeitszertifikats (Beispiel-PDF)

You can expect more from us.
We do, too

As far as we are concerned, recycled raw materials are more than just a field of business. They are our mission as we pursue our task of ‘working for the future’. Future generations will only have a planet worth living on if we use fewer virgin raw materials or, ideally, none at all. Every gram of iron ore, bauxite etc that is mined leads to carbon emissions, the destruction of our landscape and the extinction of species. And, in some cases, the impact is truly devastating. Our task here at TSR is to do our utmost to counteract this trend and to supply industry with high-quality recycled raw materials. Moreover, our focus is not only on the environmental issues here but on social aspects as well. Supplying recycled raw materials has the advantage that there are no ethical or moral questions regarding the way they are produced and human rights are always respected. This is certainly not always the case when it comes to the mining of virgin raw materials.

We guarantee that we will comply with all current and future ESG reporting requirements and all obligations set out in the LkSG [Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains].

Stringent checks are carried out on all material streams to ensure their treatment complies with all statutory and environmental regulations.

TSR introduced a completely new occupational safety management system

In general, our production plants are certified in accordance with ISO 9001, 14001 and 50001. Find out more about this on our business location pages

Sustainability at TSR.
Walking the talk

We rely on electrification for our machinery wherever possible. Most of the vehicles at our plants are hybrid models. This alone cuts energy consumption by 30%.

One of our key sustainability measures is to use the railway for our logistics operations wherever this is possible. Simply because this is by far the best solution for cutting carbon.

We continue to refurbish our buildings to make them more energy efficient. Large sites with particularly energyintensive shredders and shears are equipped with solar panels.

A few facts and figures about
TSR’s photovoltaic systems

Our conduct – firmly rooted in our Compliance Guidelines

We conduct ourselves in line with strict ethical and moral standards and stand behind these at all times. All of these standards – together with the definition of our TSR culture – have been set out in writing in our Code of Conduct. In addition to this, we also have a comprehensive compliance management system. We have implemented measures within this system to promote compliant behaviour and to ensure it remains this way over the long term.

Report a compliance breach (anonymised)

Serious reports help us to take action against breaches in good time and reduce the damage these may cause to our company, our employees and our business partners. There are three possible ways for you to report a breach:

By telephone:
+49 2306 106-210

By email:

By letter (anonymous report possible):
TSR Group GmbH & Co. KG // Brunnenstraße 138 // 44536 Lünen // Germany // z. Hd. Compliance

Please note that if you remain anonymous we cannot contact you if we have any questions.

TSR Group GmbH & Co. KG // A company of the REMONDIS Group