
Standorte TSR

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Zu den TSR-Standorten

The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 900 branches and associated companies in over 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Einweihung Anlage TSR40 in Duisburg

One year after the ground breaking ceremony, TSR Recycling officially opened its innovative TSR40 processing plant in Duisburg in the presence of NRW…

Managing directors BLC

The newly founded company known as The Battery Lifecycle Company GmbH (BLC), which has been set up by the two affiliated firms, Rhenus and TSR, will…

Ground breaking ceremony with Prof. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister for Economic Affairs of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), signals the…

An innovative way to reduce CO2 emissions in steel production: Prof. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister for Economic Affairs of the German state of North…

In an effort to strenghten the circular economy, the recycling company TSR and the steel producer thyssenkrupp Steel will enter into cooperation.

Commission clearance enables formation of the joint venture. Cablo GmbH will sustainably close material cycles (“closing the loop”) and further…

Hamburg/Lünen, November 13, 2020 – Aurubis AG (Aurubis) and TSR Recycling GmbH & Co. KG (TSR) have signed a joint venture agreement. The future joint…

Berlin, 26 November 2018 – Germany’s leading metal recycling businesses, Scholz and TSR, have welcomed the latest recycling initiative put forward by…

TSR Group GmbH & Co. KG // A company of the REMONDIS Group